In all den Jahren haben mich viele Menschen gefragt: "Wie bist du dazu gekommen, dich mit der ganzen Arbeit der Tonbandaufnahmen und der Bücher Dr. Murdo MacDonald-Baynes zu beschäftigen?" Oder sie fragten: "Wie kommt es, dass die Tonbandaufnahmen der Vorlesungen, die Dr. Mac in Südafrika gegeben hat, in Kanada gelandet sind?" Over the years many people have asked me, "How did you get involved in all this work on Dr. MacDonald-Bayne's recordings and books?" or, "How is it that the wire...
Notes on the bibliography of Murdo MacDonald-Bayne, (see below): 000: Words of Wisdom and Power This book must currently be considered "lost", there is only one reference to this book so far, and that is from Lora Mendel, who once wanted to publish this book. 00: Supreme Power Course This book is controversial because it is said that Dr. Bayne revoked everything he had previously taught after his trip to Tibet (according to general opinion 1936-37, but I think more likely 1935-36). That is why...