In einem Vortrag zu seinem posthum veröffentlichten Buch „The Secrets of the Science of Life” namens "When We Are Confused We Have Lost Confidence In Ourselves" (Wenn wir verwirrt sind, haben wir unser Selbstvertrauen verloren) sagt Murdo MacDonald-Bayne am 7. Oktober 1952 in einer erhalten gebliebenen Tonbandaufnahme nach 39 Minuten und 58 Sekunden in Lesung 9: [39.58] When I was in New Zealand at that time Savage [1] was the Prime Minister. He sent an aeroplane for me to come up to...
If you would like to study all of Murdo MacDonald-Bayne's letters, books and tape recordings in the original English text, you will find what your heart desires here [Link]. Wer alle Briefe, Bücher und Tonbandaufnahmen von Murdo MacDonald-Bayne im Englischen Originaltext studieren möchte, findet hier [Link], was sein bzw. ihr Herz begehrt. There are 4 courses, which are divided as follows: Es gibt 4 Kurse, die wie folgt eingeteilt sind:
Notes on the bibliography of Murdo MacDonald-Bayne, (see below): 000: Words of Wisdom and Power This book must currently be considered "lost", there is only one reference to this book so far, and that is from Lora Mendel, who once wanted to publish this book. 00: Supreme Power Course This book is controversial because it is said that Dr. Bayne revoked everything he had previously taught after his trip to Tibet (according to general opinion 1936-37, but I think more likely 1935-36). That is why...