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Murdo MacDonald-Bayne: Lecture 9 (6th June 1950) UNEARTH YOUR EMOTIONAL HABIT-PATTERNS (15 min.)

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Murdo MacDonald-Bayne: UNEARTH YOUR EMOTIONAL HABIT-PATTERNS (Volume01/Chapter09)
Lecture 9 (6th June 1950) UNEARTH YOUR EMOTIONAL HABIT-PATTERNS by Murdo MacDonald-Bayne (15 min.)
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Lecture 9 (6th June 1950)




[00.00] “[…] he who receives ‘Me’ receives Him who sent me.” This is the Master’s message.


[00.08] This message can be found in Matthew, 10th Chapter, I was forced to write the last verse first so as to give me the true meaning of the truth of the Master’s message.


[00.27] This meaning is, he that receives the Spirit of God manifesting in the flesh which is the Spirit of God, receives God through understanding. But he who receives a prophet because he is a prophet gains only a prophet’s reward.


[00.53] He who listens to the prophets words and only dwells upon the prophets words not knowing that it is the Spirit within that does the work, then you only receive a prophets reward. But when one understands the great significance of the Masters words, “He who receives me, receives Him who sent me.”


[01.28] These words have tremendous significance and it is so essential that we should dwell upon them so that we shall find the answer in ourselves. I find the answer to this in myself and I am sure you must also find the answer within yourselves.


[01.54] It is not the prophet that you must receive but the Spirit of God that is in him. This is the true meaning of the Master’s words and he applied them to himself. “I of myself am nothing, it is the Spirit of the Father within me that doeth the work.”


[02.18] It is the same with us all. It is the Spirit that enlighteneth the mind, the Spirit of God is with you and within you.


[02.32] The prophet is the means and not the end. The Spirit is beginning and end. So the prophet by himself is nothing it is the Father within that doeth the work.


[02.51] We have to have this Divine reasoning so that when we unearth our emotional habit-patterns we are not only left bare naked just with the loss of our emotional habit-patterns not knowing where we are. But when we have this Divine reasoning, we have a foundation.


[03.18] These words come to me also; “He who builds his house upon a rock and he who builds his house upon the sand. The one that builds a house upon a rock, the winds came and the storms blew, and the house withstood. But he who built his house upon the sand, the winds came and the storm blew, and great was the fall thereof.”


[03.50] That is why most people build their houses on sand because of the shifting sands of the human being—the shifting sands of the intellect of mankind.


[04.11] The intellect is but the intellect. But when you build your house upon a rock, that is Divine reasoning. That is why I am giving you this first so that when we pass into this lecture, and we unearth these habit-patterns of ours that we can destroy them by knowing them, by understanding them, not by trying to fight them or struggling with them because that is useless, you only give them a power they do not possess.


[04.56] So the prophet is the means and not the end. The Spirit is the beginning and end. So the prophet by himself is nothing, it is the Father within that does the work.


[05.09] As I write these words I know they were for me also. It is words like these that keep one humble so that the Father can do the work. And I am grateful for the humbling process these words have on me. It reminds me that by myself I am nothing, only with the Father all is possible.


[05.43] When I was in the Himalayas my teacher asked me these questions and I am going to put them to you also.


[05.53] These questions when answered properly to yourselves will enable you to understand yourselves and so relieve you of many perplexing emotional patterns that out-picture in your bodies. You virtually unearth your emotional pattern.


[06.12] These questions are very pertinent questions but it is what everyone does. But as everyone does it, no one knows that they are doing it. That is how you are caught up in your doing; caught up in your emotional habit patterns, caught up in these various things that you do everyday. Because they are so common you make a habit of doing them and consequently you create the emotional habit-pattern that expresses itself upon the body. For remember this; that all mental reactions, all emotional reactions have their effect upon the physical organism. The physical organism is what we call the sounding board for your thoughts and emotions and through the nerves you have the expression.


[07.26] So here goes! Here are the questions. Number one. Are you thin-skinned, that is to say do others affect you easily? Or are you indifferent to snubs as a battle-cruiser is indifferent to a pea-shooter? Are you sensitive to what others say about you? Are you boiling up within while you show an outside appearance of calm?


[08.03] There is where the habit-pattern comes in. Conflict between two things. It is when you have two things conflicting with one another—there the habit-pattern is discovered.


[08.23] For instance, Take a person perhaps who is brought up in poor circumstances, poor food and poor clothing. Goes to school and he begins to compare himself with other boys and girls. First of all this comparison is the first thing that starts the emotional habitpattern. The boy wants what every catechumen1 wants too, it is he wants to go ahead. He wants to play yet he wants to shrink away. He wants to do two things at the same time. He grows up in life and because of his early childhood he forces himself into a position where he gets into the head or into a very good position in life. He meets other people who are in a position like him yet he feels that same inferiority. He is not comfortable because he thinks of the other person and himself, he begins to compare. He wonders, this other person is well-dressed, he is well-dressed but he does not think that he is welldressed because of his early influences and these habit-patterns. Although he has forgotten the incidents of his early life he feels this sort of inferiority which takes place of him among his associates.


[10.17] Here is an instance of one person that I knew. He was such as that and he grew up to be the head of a great industry. He used to go out and play golf and he met his friend who was a great surgeon, one of the greatest surgeons of his time. When he was with him he found this surgeon was very calm and peaceful and had a freedom that he did not have. So he took this surgeon friend apart and he said, “I admire you very much,” he says, “I always feel a feeling of inferiority when I come in contact, I’m just talking straight.”


[11.11] So this person said, “Why should you feel that?”


[11.17] “Well,” he said, “I was brought up in poor circumstances.” He told the story how he felt so inferior. So he turned to the surgeon and he said, “Now you see what I mean.”


[11.35] “Yes,” says the surgeon, “But I was the same. I was brought up even in poorer circumstances than you were.”


[11.47] “Well, how is it,” he says, “That you are so free?”


[11.52] “Well,” he said, “I’ve come to the conclusion long ago and I lost all this inferiority because,” he said, “I felt that whatever I could do for my brother man—I would do, and I lost myself in doing these things.” “I lost all the inferiority, I lost all sense of this inferiority idea of myself because I found that as I did more for others, I escaped from this feeling of inferiority.”


[12.43] “So,” the other man said, “I see now, how it is. I have always been making money. I am perhaps the richest man here.” But, he says, “It was always money, money, money. Now,” he says, “I see the answer,” and he lost his inferiority complex.




[13.08] “He receives me, receives Him who sent me.” If you can realise that truth you will find that even then you will lose that inferiority. That complex where you have comparisons, that you compare yourselves with others. There is nothing in comparisons—that is the double mind. If your mind is full of opposites you can never be free. Never!


[14.03] So, we will go on with these questions.


[14.06] It is not so easy for the ordinary person to withstand the rough and tumble of the social scrum and not get hurt sometimes. But as you are growing up will see how necessary it is to understand yourselves. When you know what you are doing then you are on the way to freedom, but if you are caught up in emotional reflexes then you are laying up trouble for yourselves. Therefore I want you to think over these questions quietly in your own homes and see how they affect you.


[14.55] It is always the personality that gets hurt—the Spirit never!


[15.04] Always according to which is out in front. Is it your personality that is out in front or is it the Spirit which is Real?


[15.27] If your personality is always out in front you will surely be hurt and very much indeed. But if the Spirit is out in front then there is no hurt—there is perfect freedom. [...]

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